Praise For Slouching Toward Adulthood
“Full of research, insight, and hilarious examples of what life is like for the long-suffering parents of ‘adultescents,’ Slouching Toward Adulthood is one of those invaluable books that identifies and illuminates a new phenomenon in our culture.”
—Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project
“At last, a serious, well-researched book about raising children which also includes that crucial characteristic every parent needs — a sense of humor. Sally Koslow’s excellent Slouching Toward Adulthood explores the economic and cultural forces creating the growing hordes of adult children failing to launch — i.e., start careers, become financially independent, move out of the parental nest. Or as Koslow calls them: “adultescents….” Rather than adding to the mass hysteria, Koslow offers sensible advice for both the kids and their perplexed parents, leavened by self-deprecating anecdotes and insights from her childhood in Fargo, N.D.”
—USA Today: Book Review
“Recognize that channel-surfing, chips-snacking lump on the couch? It might be your adult child. Koslow writes wittily about the immobilization of American youth as increasing numbers treat getting a job and moving out as just an option. The solution? Stop trying to inoculate our kids against all failure, for starters. An eye-opener.”
“A witty, provocative study that examines why so many millenials can’t seem to launch into adulthood and now find themselves “wandering—if not literally, then psychically
—Kirkus Reviews
“Koslow casts a keen eye on the `not-so-empty-nest’ phenomenon that besets today’s baby boomer parents . . . and provides plenty of food for thought for parents and adultescents who want to understand each other and perhaps change things for the better.”
—Publishers Weekly
“This book is hilarious! I burst out laughing on page one, and it just got funnier and funnier. But Slouching Toward Adulthood is also hard-hitting and painfully insightful—I found myself wincing with recognition. Backed by the latest research, Sally Koslow’s thought-provoking new book should be required reading for today’s parents and young adults.”
—Amy Chua, professor of law at Yale University and author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
“’Sobering’ is the word for Koslow’s data and hopeful conclusions ”
“Let go, Sally Koslow exhorts indulgent parents who lovingly enable their adultescents to postpone the rigors and responsibilities of being a grown-up. Koslow’s wit and wisdom wake us up to the hidden costs of hanging on too long to our kids, to our youth, and to the past. A great read!”
—Maggie Jackson, author of Distracted
“In her trenchant book on twenty-first-century life with our adult children, Sally Koslow offers us wit, awareness, and, most important, a sense that we are not alone. From the first pages, the reader feels right at home, comforted by Koslow’s confessions, research, and wisdom.”
—Susan Shapiro Barash, author of You’re Grounded Forever . . . But First Let’s Go Shopping