About the Author

Sally Koslow is the author of the novel The Real Mrs. Tobias, published by HarperCollins, as well as the novels Another Side of Paradise; the international bestseller The Late, Lamented Molly Marx; The Widow Waltz; With Friends Like These; and Little Pink Slips. She is also the author of one work of nonfiction, Slouching Toward Adulthood: How to Let Go So Your Kids Can Grow Up. Her books have been published in a dozen countries.
Sally is the former editor-in-chief of iconic McCall’s Magazine. She has taught creative writing at the Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence College and the JCC of Manhattan, as well as in private workshops, and has contributed essays and articles to The New York Times, O, Real Simple and too many other magazines to list, newspapers and websites as well as to numerous anthologies. Sally has lectured at Yale, Columbia, New York University, Wesleyan University, and the University of Chicago, as well as many libraries, community and synagogue groups, and the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society’s international conference in Toulouse, France.
Sally lives in Manhattan, but hopes the statute of limitations never ends on mentioning that she is from Fargo, North Dakota. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she met her husband. They live in Manhattan, and are the proud parents of two sons.
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